Kukup Fish Farm Industry Gradually Declining

Kukup Fish Farm

Kukup Fish Farm

The Kukup fish farm industry is gradually declining. Mainly because of the following factors:

  1. Farmers must be able to withstand the sun, rain and fish odour. As a result, very few young people are willing to invest in this industry.
  2. The exchange rate of neighbouring Singapore currency has been rising steadily. Thus, young people are more eager to work in Singapore to earn a better salary.
  3. Inflation has led to an increase in the price of the building materials for the fish farm. Consequently, there are not many young people able to invest in such a high capital business.
  4. High risk of loss as well as dealing with natural disasters and everchanging weather.
  5. The quality of the seawater is not as good as before, and the survival rate of the small fish hatchlings is seriously reduced.

Man-made problems and natural disasters have made Kukup fish farm industry no longer as prevalent as it was in the 1970s. Most of the current farm owners are second-generation that has inherited the farm from their parents. What does the future hold for the Kukup fish farm industry?

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